I don't have any real data to back up any of my beliefs. updated This page is part of IGNs Tales of Arise Wiki guide, which will cover everything you need to know combat basics. Penetration does more than just increase critical chance - such as triggering interrupts and some overall increased damage.

But like I said before, I'm just guessing. 3 Stats) Edit: Penetration (Main Character Stats) Edit: Penetration (Character 1. Tales of Arise: The power of Penetration Ars-Nova258 143 subscribers Subscribe 49 Share 7.8K views 1 year ago I'm motivated to getting the Penetration stat high enough to stagger most. However, theyre better suited to being used as a means to. Get more out of Tales of Arise and enhance your gaming experience.

Perhaps it also effects critical hits in some minor calculation, but I think describing it in such a way as that it is a direct correlation to critical hit chance, while not mentioning staggering is a falsehood. Tales of Arise: The power of Penetration Ars-Nova258 143 subscribers Subscribe 49 Share 7.
I would think it would basically be the offensive version of Resistance - increase your ability to stagger/break enemies and inflict ailments. Costumes PS4 Vs PS5 Versions Controls and Best Settings This page is about Nebilim, a weapon in Tales of Arise. I've heard it described as increasing your ability to land critical hits and status ailments, but I feel like the part about it affecting critical hits is nonsense.
I would have assumed it also had an effect on whether or not you get inflicted with a status ailment or not, but to me it seems like all of my party members are inflicted with ailments at roughly the same percentage regardless of their Resistance, but I'm not dissecting the information that closely so I'm just guessing. I believe having a high Resistance decreases your ability to get staggered during combat. Experience the next chapter in the Tales of series, brought to life in stunning HD powered by Unreal Engine 4.